Beginner Harmonica Lessons: "Row Row Row Your Boat"

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 12:44pm
Written by AW

Are you ready for a beginner harmonica lesson on an all time childhood favorite song? In this sample harmonica lesson Howard Levy uses the classic tune "Row Row Row your Boat" to demonstrate the basics of the harmonica. We'll go over some tips so that you can begin playing harmonica to this tune in no time. So let's get started. 

Jake Groves' Harmonica Journey

Mon, 07/29/2013 - 3:39pm
Written by AW

profiles in online learning - jake grovesWhat's your name?

Jake Groves.

How old are you?


Where are you from?

Louisville, KY.

How many years have you been playing harmonica?

About a year.

Do you play any other instruments?

Yes, guitar and piano.


profiles in online learning - jake grovesWhat's your name?

Jake Groves.

How old are you?


Where are you from?

Louisville, KY.

How many years have you been playing harmonica?

About a year.

Do you play any other instruments?

Yes, guitar and piano.

Harmonica Lesson on Jazz Blues Riff: Part 2

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 12:37pm
Written by howard

new harmonica lessonI just put up Lesson two on the famous Jazz Blues riff tune from before. This harmonica lesson deals with other aspects of playing - putting fills between a riff that you don't know, and building a solo by making the last idea of one chorus the first idea of the next one. Hope you check it out - it's in the the Intermediate Section but you can just click on the picture or links to get there.

New Harmonica Lesson on Classic Jazz Blues riff

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 9:42am
Written by howard

new harmonica lessonI just added a new harmonica lesson inspired by one of the greatest vibes players in the history of Jazz. It consists of one bluesy lick repeated three times, a type of Jazz/Blues minimalism. This is the first of three harmonica lessons I recorded on this tune.

It's a great tune for Blues players who want to get into Jazz. In my solo, I used no overblows or overdraws, so you can be an Intermediate player and be able to play everything that I played here. I also demonstrate how to build a solo from riffs, which makes this lesson valuable to everyone, no matter what your level. Parts 2 and 3 will follow soon! You can find the lesson in the Intermediate Section or just click on the picture to get there.