How to Draw Clouds with Justin BUA

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 5:14pm
Written by AW
Topics: art, bua

We are very excited to announce that we've just starting taking preorders for the Online Art School with Justin BUA!  Anyone who's interested in learning how to draw online with Justin BUA can save 30% off their membership by registering now.  Well to get a taste of what his art lessons are all about, check out this sample art lesson about how to draw clouds!  Here BUA takes you into his world of how to draw clouds using his unique methods and some basic brush strokes... take a moment to watch and soon you'll be drawing clouds like a pro!

Interview on Drawing Caricatures with Justin BUA

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 5:32pm
Written by AW
Topics: art, bua, Interview

how to draw with justin bua

You see them when you go to the beach, there's people drawing caricatures on the boardwalk.  When you go to Six Flags you see the guy drawing people and they're all caricatures.  When you look at a newspaper, you see caricatures of famous people (especially politicians).  Yes, caricatures are indeed everywhere - but what does that mean? We called Justin BUA so we could hear from an expert about how to caricatures.

AW: So what defines caricatures? What makes something a caricature?

BUA: Well, caricatures are actually the spirt or the essence of somebody.  Whereas a portrait is really trying to capture, in a naturalistic way, the likeness of the sitter.  A caricature, in my opinion, goes one step beyond because it actually captures the spirit of somebody.  So it doesn't even matter how distorted it is, it can be really out there and really capture the spirit of somebody.  So that's what I feel a good caricature is all about. 

How To Draw with Justin BUA - COMING SOON!

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 10:47am
Written by AW
Topics: art, bua

It's getting closer to the time when we'll be ready to start teaching people how to draw online! Check out the new promo for the our upcoming Online Art School with Justin BUA. This is the first time ArtistWorks is doing something outside of the music genre and we're very excited to soon be offering art lessons online from such a great artist.  Justin BUA has been teaching people how to draw for a long time, he's got a great personality and knows exactly how to articulate his points across.  He was recently telling us about the importance of artists learning how to draw in order to establish solid foundation - check out more of what he said about that here

How To Draw with Justin BUA - What is Drawing?

Fri, 04/19/2013 - 5:08pm
Written by ArtistWorks_Help
Topics: art, bua

how to drawJustin BUA has been recording art classes all week just a few feet from my office here at the ArtistWorks HQ.  This is a big deal, not just because I'm a big fan of his - but it's the first time ArtistWorks is moving beyond online music lessons and entering a new realm of online art lessons.  The idea is still the same - BUA recorded hundreds of art lessons during his week here, and once the school opens students will be able study the art lessons online and get feedback from BUA on their technique.

He's going to teach you how to draw, he's going to teach the whole world how to draw - I know because he told me so.  I had a chance to sit down with BUA and ask him just exactly what this all means.

ADA: What is it that people need to know if they're learning how to draw?

BUA: When you're building a building, you have to have a solid foundation.  You can't have a weak foundation.  So that's what learning how to draw is - it's having a solid foundation.  So if you want to paint, you have to know how to draw.  If you want to go off and do sculpture, you REALLY need to know how to draw.  Knowing how to draw is the single most important thing in art, and it has always been that way.  So Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, one of the greatest painters of all time, who was the student of Jacques-Louis David and the teacher of Edgar Degas, who we all know - the great impressionist, he said it took 9 years to learn how to draw, and 9 DAYS to learn how to paint… that's how important learning how to draw is.