America The Beautiful - Bass Solo by Nathan East

Thu, 07/04/2013 - 12:23pm
Written by AW
Topics: bass, nathan east

Nathan East gets patriotic in honor of America's birthday and plays his solo bass version of "America The Beautiful". Inspired by the legendary Jaco Pastorius who also does a famous solo bass rendition of this song.

Bass Player Live - Nathan East Bass Clinic

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 10:39am
Written by AW
Topics: bass, nathan east

Check out this bass clinic Nathan East recently did at Bass Player Live.  Thanks to Bass Player Magazine for putting it up!

Bossa Nova Bass lines with John Patitucci

Tue, 06/11/2013 - 10:48am
Written by AW

jazz bass lessons

The exact origin of the term "bossa nova" is not known, but was sometime during the 1950s that the Brazilian style of music first became popular.  It comes out a fusion of samba and jazz rhythms, and has been a vital part of jazz music ever since it first hit the scene.  Bossa nova literally translates to "new trend", and even in 2013 the style still sounds fresh.

Missy Raines on Songwriting

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 11:36am
Written by AW

Missy Raines on SongwritingMissy Raines was interviewed recently by On Songwriting's Rick Jamison about her songwriting process. She gets pretty in depth about her influeneces and background - you also get the story behind her band's name "Missy Raines and the New Hip". It's a great interview filled with great questions and thoughtful answers, here's one thing Missy says about the songwriting process:

"You just have to figure out what your story is first, and make sure your songs tell it."

- Missy Raines

Read more on the On Songwriting website!