How Star Wars can help you learn how to draw

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 4:56pm
Written by AW
Topics: art, justin bua

how to draw star wars art

Who doesn't love Star Wars? Not Justin BUA, that's for sure. And he's not the only one out there who knows how to draw who feels this way. Given that the films are visually spectacular, as art lovers we can't help but love Star Wars art. Well, the KING of Star Wars art was a guy named John Berkey, and BUA wants to make sure you know all about him. There's actually an important reason for this that goes beyond appreciation for Star Wars art that will help you as you're learning how to draw. Oh yes, this stuff goes way beyond Star Wars.

How To Draw Like Toulouse-Lautrec

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 10:36am
Written by AW
Topics: art, justin bua

Toulouse-Lautrec - in bed

When Justin BUA was first learning how to draw as a young man, there were many artists from different eras and countries who inspired him and caught his eye - one of them being the famous French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Toulouse-Lautrec was a brilliant draughtsman, painter, technician, and compositionist who came out of France's Post-Modernist period, which was lasted from 1886-1914.   

Post-Modernist paintings are characterized by their use of bright color, thick paint, distinctive lines, and using real-life subject matter. Toulouse-Lautrec was famous for capturing people in their natural environments, and his treatment of his subjects has been described as "sympathetic and dispassionate". Much like BUA, Toulouse-Lautrec also painted scenes of the underground.