Introduction To Playing Jazz Ukulele

Thu, 08/31/2017 - 1:01pm
Written by ArtistWorks
Topics: ukulele

jazz ukulele


The ukulele became popular through Hawaiian music, but what many people don’t know is that the realm of jazz was another rich, if slightly less common, home for this little endearing instrument. Between 1915-1920, ukuleles began to be mass produced, making them more accessible for musicians, coinciding with the rise of jazz music in America. Both jazz music and the use of ukulele continued to grow throughout the following decades.

10 Tips For Playing Ukulele

Sat, 07/15/2017 - 4:53pm
Written by ArtistWorks
Topics: ukulele

ukulele tips

The ukulele is one of the most endearing instruments on the planet. It's lightweight, full of good vibes, and will generally make people happy hearing it - as long as you know what you're doing that is. So, here's 10 helpful ukulele tips to keep in mind that will make you sound great wherever the music takes you. 

Easy Songs For Ukulele: "Haola Hula"

Tue, 06/20/2017 - 11:34am
Written by ArtistWorks

easy songs for ukulele

Practicing scales and chords is crucial to learning how to play ukulele, but something that can make this process even more exciting is learning to play full songs. One of the most easy songs for ukulele is "Haole Hula” — a classic Hapa-haole song written and composed by Robert Alexander Anderson in 1927. 

New Ukulele Performance from Craig & Sarah: "Autumn Leaves"

Fri, 06/02/2017 - 4:38pm
Written by ArtistWorks

autumn leaves on ukulele

We decided to mix it up a bit this week and add a new duet performance Craig & Sarah did in the studio during their last visit. They perform a High G / Low G duet performance of "Autumn Leaves" which is taught in the Advanced section. We also added close-up camera isolation versions for both Craig and Sarah's full performance to give you another way to enjoy the performance.

This is in the Craig & Sarah Duets section of the Learn area, or you can just click here to go right to it!