Banjo Tuning with Tony Trischka

Thu, 03/21/2013 - 11:00am
Written by ArtistWorks

"Alright, let's get in tune."
For anyone learning how to play banjo, or any instrument for that matter, the importance of being in tune cannot be overstated.  It won't matter how good your banjo rolls  are or how fast you can run through a banjo scale - if you're not in tune you won't sound good.  It's just that simple.  So before you get ahead of yourself, take a moment to learn some basic banjo tuning

Tony Trischka's "Danny Boy" Banjo Lesson

Wed, 03/13/2013 - 10:28am
Written by AW


Watch Tony's Free Banjo Lessons

Here's some banjo music in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick's Day: the classic Irish folk song "Danny Boy", broken down on banjo by Tony Trischka. Keep in mind, this is just a sample from the actual lesson. Students of Tony's online banjo school have access to hundreds of banjo lessons, complete with banjo tablature and backing tracks to play along to.

New Banjo Lessons & Billy Faier Interview Part 4

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 2:36pm
Written by AW

It's that time again... for more banjo lessons!  In the Intermediate Banjo area we have two lessons on "Golden Slippers", one for "Up The Neck", and another for "Down the Neck". In the Advanced Banjo area there's a two part lesson on the classic song "Old Joe Clark". And as promised we have part 4 of the Billy Faier interview, enjoy! 

banjo lessons

banjo lesson

Billy Faier Banjo


Billy Faier Interview: Part 3

Fri, 02/15/2013 - 4:48pm
Written by AW

Good news, Part 3 of the Billy Faier interview is now available! Billy talks about his time with Woody Guthrie and also plays and sings one of Woody's songs. Click on the picture below or find it in +MUSIC!

billy faier