Tips for Adult Music Beginners

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 7:28pm
Written by ArtistWorks

As adults we approach learning a musical instrument from a different perspective. It may be something we’ve always dreamed of doing. Or perhaps it’s a way to keep inspiration flowing. Or maybe we just want to have a bit of fun. 


The benefits of actually making music – not just listening – are many and well documented. Listening to and actively participating in music can reduce heart rate, lower stress and blood pressure, decrease anxiety and provide for an emotional and exhilarating experience. Plus studies have shown that participating in music contributes to higher levels of personal fulfillment. Making music helps to keep your brain sharp! 


Tips for Adult Music Beginners

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 3:20pm
Written by ArtistWorks

As adults we approach learning a musical instrument from a different perspective. It may be something we’ve always dreamed of doing. Or perhaps it’s a way to keep inspiration flowing. Or maybe we just want to have a bit of fun. 


The benefits of actually making music – not just listening – are many and well documented. Listening to and actively participating in music can reduce heart rate, lower stress and blood pressure, decrease anxiety and provide for an emotional and exhilarating experience. Plus studies have shown that participating in music contributes to higher levels of personal fulfillment. Making music helps to keep your brain sharp! 


Practical Tips for Preparing to Learn

Sun, 08/11/2019 - 6:50pm
Written by ArtistWorks

Your time is valuable. So when you’re ready to practice or learn something new on your instrument, you want to make the best and most focused use of that time. With a little prep work you can ensure that you’re setting yourself up for the best possible learning outcome! Here are some practice tips to get you there.