Arrived safely on the island of Martinique!

Fri, 05/31/2013 - 4:35am
Written by andreas

andreas oberg in martinique


i've arrived safely on martinique and i'm gettin' ready for my festival performance on saturday and my clinic on sunday. yesterday i had a little rehearsal with the bassist and the drummer and i also did a little solo performance on the national radio station. some of the listeners then called in and asked questions. this island is truly a paradise, so beautiful.

regards andreas

New Jazz Guitar Lesson: 2-5-1 Minor

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 3:57pm
Written by AW

Greetings AGU! Got a new jazz guitar for ya - this one is on the infamous 2-5-1 Minor. Find it in the Jazz Basics section, or just click on the picture below! 

jazz guitar lesson

Blues Guitar Jam - Video Exchange Style!

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 12:44pm
Written by AW

For the first time ever in the history of ArtistWorks, each of our 6 guitar teachers have collaborated via Video Exchange™ for a blues guitar jam. That's 6 different players in 3 different countries across 2 continents all jamming on the same blues backing track: Martin Taylor (fingerstyle guitar lessons), Andreas Oberg (jazz guitar lessons), Andy Hall (Dobro lessons), Jason Vieaux (classical guitar lessons), Bryan Sutton (acoustic guitar lessons), and Paul Gilbert (rock guitar lessons).

Jazz Guitar Lessons: Modes of the Major Scale

Thu, 03/14/2013 - 5:43pm
Written by AW

One of the keys to jazz improvisation is getting comfortable with the modes of the Major Scale:  Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian.

Each of these modes work for any scale by moving the first degree of the scale up one step or half step depending on where it falls in the scale. 

In the key of C, for example, the Dorian mode would start one full step up, making D the first degree of the scale. This is called D Dorian.  The rest of the scale would follow the original pattern for C, meaning that half steps would fall on the third and the seventh note in the scale, rather than the fourth and eighth.