Why I Created ArtistWorks

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 9:56am
Written by AW

ArtistWorks founder and CEO David Butler is writing a series of blogs about his own experience learning guitar and how it ultimately inspired him to develop a new way to learn guitar online and eventually create ArtistWorks, a company dedicated to providing a better way to teach and learn music.

Mastery Through Flute Scales

Fri, 09/28/2012 - 5:36pm
Written by AW

flute lessons onlineHow can you find out for yourself where  the imperfections are in your playing – the details that keep you from being the best player?  If you’re repeatedly playing the same mistakes, more practice time won’t help much.  Using flute scales to your advantage however will help you tremendously. 

flute lessons


flute lessons onlineHow can you find out for yourself where  the imperfections are in your playing – the details that keep you from being the best player?  If you’re repeatedly playing the same mistakes, more practice time won’t help much.  Using flute scales to your advantage however will help you tremendously. 

flute lessons

The Longterm Benefits of Music Lessons

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 11:23am
Written by AW

It's no surprise that there are benefits of learning music for adults as well as children. A new article from the New York Times points to new research that shows how taking music lessons at an early age can lead to long lasting changes in the brain.

benefits of learning music

Learning Online with Education Technology

Thu, 08/30/2012 - 4:59pm
Written by AW

In a book entitled "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success", author Carol S. Dweck points to motivation as an even greater indicator of success than previously thought.  More often, she proposes, success in one's work comes as a byproduct of one's passion. 

It's true, findings indicate that the most successful people are those who would be doing the exact same job even if they weren't successful at it. In education, this means that the most successful teachers are likely to be those who actually enjoy teaching and thus approach their jobs with passion. 

Given this, the goal of any educational system should be to put passionate teachers in front of students. New developments in online learning and education technology make it possible for passionate teachers to reach far more students than they ever could in a physical classrooms. Sounds good, right?
online learning - rock guitar lessons with paul gilbert