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Instruments > Saxophone > Jazz Saxophone with Eric Marienthal

Jazz Saxophone
with Eric Marienthal

Eric Marienthal has shared a wealth of musical knowledge in hundreds of jazz saxophone lessons online. Students in the jazz sax course have unlimited access to these video lessons, as well as saxophone jazz charts, backing tracks and study materials.

 Scale & mode lessons  Ear Training & improvisation

 Jazz sax warm ups  Lots of backing tracks & charts

About Video Exchange® Learning

What ultimately sets these jazz saxophone lessons online apart from other offerings is the ability to submit a video for review using the ArtistWorks Video Exchange Learning® platform. Eric reviews each submission and records a video response, offering specific guidance to take your saxophone playing to the next level. All students can access the Video Exchange library and watch each other’s interactions with Eric. This library is constantly expanding and may contain the key to unlock your playing.

About Eric Marienthal

Eric Marienthal is a Grammy® award winning jazz saxophone musician. He studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston where he eventually was awarded the Berklee Distinguished Alumnus Award for outstanding achievements in contemporary music. He later became an integral member of the Chick Corea Elektric Band, where he recorded 6 albums and received 2 of his 5 Grammy nominations. He has since performed in over 80 different countries and has recorded 13 solo albums. Some of the many artists Eric has performed with include Elton John, Barbara Streisand, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder. The online lessons here at ArtistWorks feature both alto and tenor saxophone.

Jazz Sax Lessons

Basic Saxophone

Introduction to Basic Saxophone
Submit a Placement Video
Hand Position Basics
Choosing a Saxophone - Care & Maintenance
Choosing a Mouthpiece
Reeds, Reeds & More Reeds
Neck Straps & Position
Basic Embouchure
Tongue Position
Head Angle
Basic Fingerings
Music Reading Basics
Play Along & Learn a Song: Happy Birthday
Play Along & Learn a Song: Auld Lang Syne
Play Along & Learn a Song: Amazing Grace
Play Along & Learn a Song: When the Saints Go Marching In
Play Along & Learn a Song: Star Spangled Banner
How to Practice
Introduction to Chords: Major Triads & 7th Chords
Introduction to Chords: Minor Triads & 7th Chords
Introduction to Chords: Dominant 7th Chords
Introduction to Chords: Diminished Triads & 7th Chords
Introduction to Chords: Augmented Triads & 7th Chords
Introduction to Improvisation
“Deck the Halls”
“Jingle Bells”
“The Christmas Song”
“Battle Hymn of the Republic”
“Danny Boy”
“There is No Greater Love”
“All the Things You Are”
Basic Ear Training: Hearing Notes
Basic Ear Training: Hearing Intervals
Basic Ear Training: Hearing Chord Types
Improvisation: Basic Blues (Alto Saxophone)
Improvisation: Basic Blues (Tenor Saxophone)
Basic Improvisation: Using Pentatonics & Minor
Posture: Standing & Sitting Correctly
Other Student Submitted Tunes

Intermediate Saxophone

Introduction to Intermediate Saxophone
Eric's Secret Warm Up: Long Tones Exercise (Alto Saxophone)
Eric's Secret Warm Up: Long Tones Exercise (Soprano Saxophone)
Eric's Secret Warm Up: Chromatic Exercise (Alto Saxophone)
Eric's Secret Warm Up: Chromatic Exercise (Soprano Saxophone)
Eric's Secret Warm Up: 2 Key Scale Exercise (Alto Saxophone)
Eric's Secret Warm Up: 2 Key Scale Exercise (Soprano Saxophone)
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Major
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Harmonic Minor
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Melodic Minor
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Natural Minor
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Diminished
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Pentatonic
Play Your Scales with Me in All Keys: Blues
Introduction to Modes
Play Your Modes with Me in All Keys (Alto Saxophone)
Play Your Modes with Me in All Keys (Tenor Saxophone)
Eric's Reed Tips
Putting Your Practice Routine Together
Practicing: Using a Metronome
Practicing: Using a Tuner
“Get Here”
“Blue Bossa”
“Recorda Me”
“Quiet Nights”
“If I Were A Bell”
“Does This Chart Make Me Look Phat?”
Jazz Inflections: Lip Turns
Jazz Inflections: Scoops
Jazz Inflections: Bending Inside a Note
Jazz Inflections: Fall Offs
Using Vibrato
“Minor Me Minor You”
“Simple Blues”
Throat Position
Intermediate Improvisation: Using Pentatonics & Minor
Improvisation: Intermediate Blues (Alto Saxophone)
Improvisation: Intermediate Blues (Tenor Saxophone)
Improvising 101
Improvising 102
Producing a Great Sound
Other Student Submitted Tunes

Advanced Saxophone

Introduction to Advanced Saxophone
Improvising 103: Play All the Roots
Improvising 103: Play All the 3rds
Improvising 103: Play All the 5ths
Improvising 103: Play All the 7ths
Improvising 103: Guide Tone Line - Root, 3rd, 5th, 7th
Improvising 103: Guide Tone Line - Variation
Improvising 103: Diatonic Quater Note Line
Improvising 103: Chromatic Quater Note Line
Improvising 103: Putting it All Together
Soloing Straight Ahead: Using the Ionian Mode
Soloing Straight Ahead: Using the Dorian Mode
Soloing Straight Ahead: Using the Phrygian Mode
Correct Tonguing
Reverse Tonguing
Muted Tonguing
Funky Licks
Dynamic Changes: Rippin' & Runnin'
Advanced Improvisation: Using Pentatonics & Minor
Phrasing a Melody: If I Were A Bell
Phrasing a Melody: Quiet Nights
Phrasing a Melody: Get Here
Creating Rhythm in Your Playing
Upper Lip Loosening Exercise
Different Ways to Play Scales
Transposing to Eb
Transposing to Bb
Trick Licks
More Trick Licks
Even More Tricks & Licks
High Notes: Fingerings & Sound
High Notes: Making Them Sound Good
High Notes: High F# - The “Money Note”
Altissimo Gliss: Up & Down
Finger Twisters #1: Exercise 1-10
Finger Twisters #2: Exercise 11-20
Finger Twisters #3: Exercise 21-30
Finger Twisters #4: Exercise 31-40
Finger Twisters #5: Exercise 41-50
Improvisation: Advanced Blues (Alto Saxophone)
Improvisation: Advanced Blues (Tenor Saxophone)
Advanced Soloing: Blue Bossa
Advanced Soloing: Sunny
Other Student Submitted Tunes
Advanced Soloing: Donna Lee
Advanced Soloing: Quiet Nights
Advanced Soloing: Rhythm Changes
Advanced Soloing: Recorda Me
Advanced Soloing: If I Were A Bell
Advanced Soloing: 1 Chord Funky Track

Exercise of the Week Archive

Exercise of the Week #1 - Based on a Major Scale in Every Key
Exercise of the Week #2 - Based on a Major 7th Chord
Exercise of the Week #3 - Chromatic Exercise
Exercise of the Week #4 - Minor 7th Chord Exercise
Exercise of the Week #5 - Melodic Minor Scale Exercise
Exercise of the Week #6 - Chromatic Finger Exercise
Exercise of the Week #7 - Major Exercise in All Keys
Exercise of the Week #8 - Based on a Minor Pentatonic Chord Scale
Exercise of the Week #9 - Articulation Exercise
Exercise of the Week #10 - Major Exercise
Exercise of the Week #11 - Whole Tone Scale Exercise
Exercise of the Week #12 - Major Triad Exercise in Every Key
Exercise of the Week #13 - Minor Study
Exercise of the Week #14 - Motif & Articulation Exercise
Exercise of the Week #15 - Odd Meter: 7/8
Exercise of the Week #16 - Odd Meter: 5/8
Exercise of the Week #17 - Articulation Variations
Exercise of the Week #18 - Major Triad Triplets with 3 Articulation Variations
Exercise of the Week #19 - Chromatic Exercise
Exercise of the Week #20 - Eight Articulation Variations
Exercise of the Week #21 - 4ths Exercise
Exercise of the Week #22 - Major Scale Triplet Pattern
Exercise of the Week #23 - Diminished Motif
Exercise of the Week #24 - Major Exercise
Exercise of the Week #25 - Harmonic Minor Scale Exercise
Exercise of the Week #26 - Pattern Building
Exercise of the Week #27 - Etude with 4 Rhythmic Variations
Exercise of the Week #28 - Etude in 6/8
Exercise of the Week #29 - Harmonic Minor Scale Exercise
Exercise of the Week #30 - Major Scale Intervals
Exercise of the Week #31 - Melodic Minor Etude
Exercise of the Week #32 - Augmented Triads
Exercise of the Week #33 - Minor Exercise
Exercise of the Week #34 - Major Exercise in Progressively Faster Rhythms
Exercise of the Week #35 - Minor Triads
Exercise of the Week #36 - C Minor Exercise with Articulations
Exercise of the Week #37 - Motif Interval Practice
Exercise of the Week #38 - Minor Major 7th Arpeggios
Exercise of the Week #39 - Melodic Minor Exercise
Exercise of the Week #40 - Augmented Triad Motifs
Exercise of the Week #41 - Major Scale Variation
Exercise of the Week #42 - Extended Triadic Motifs
Exercise of the Week #43 - “Finger Busters” Part 1
Exercise of the Week #44 - Extended Motif #2
Exercise of the Week #45 - Extended Motif #3
Exercise of the Week #46 - Major Motifs

Lick of the Week Archive

Lick of the Week #1 - II-V-I Lick
Lick of the Week #2 - Minor Pentatonic Lick
Lick of the Week #3 - Funky Lick
Lick of the Week #4 - Funky Lick in 3 Keys
Lick of the Week #5 - Major 7th Chord Lick
Lick of the Week #6 - Tritone Triads
Lick of the Week #7 - Funky Solo with Track
Lick of the Week #8 - Altered V to Major 1 Chord
Lick of the Week #9 - Quick Minor Lick
Lick of the Week #10 - Bluesy Shuffle with Track
Lick of the Week #11 - “Babycakes” Melody
Lick of the Week #12 - Funky Melody with Track
Lick of the Week #13 - Dorian Minor with Track
Lick of the Week #14 - “Blue Bossa” Solo
Lick of the Week #15 - “Recorda Me” Written Solo
Lick of the Week #16 - Funky Solo
Lick of the Week #17 - Easy Major Solo with Track
Lick of the Week #18 - “Blue Water” with Track
Lick of the Week #19 - II-V-I in All Keys
Lick of the Week #20 - “Texas Shuffle”
Lick of the Week #21 - Medium Funk Groove
Lick of the Week #22 - Blues Solo
Lick of the Week #23 - Four Major Chords
Lick of the Week #24 - Phrygian Mode
Lick of the Week #25 - Michael Brecker Lick
Lick of the Week #26 - MInor Chord Lick in 3 Keys with Track
Lick of the Week #27 - Samba Solo Over Four Minor Chords
Lick of the Week #28 - Harmonic Shaping #1 - All the Things You Are
Lick of the Week #29 - Mellow Groove
Lick of the Week #30 - Rhythm Changes - Solo Part 1
Lick of the Week #31 - Rhythm Changes - Solo Part 2
Lick of the Week #32 - “Open Road”
Lick of the Week #33 - Minor II-V's - Part 1
Lick of the Week #34 - Funky Tune
Lick of the Week #35 - Minor II-V's - Part 2
Lick of the Week #36 - Mellow Song to Play “Autumn”
Lick of the Week #37 - “Cafe Royale” Excerpt
Lick of the Week #38 - Minor Lick in 12 Keys
Lick of the Week #39 - “Can't Buy Me Love”
Lick of the Week #40 - “Mercy-ish” Part 1
Lick of the Week #41 - “The Jazz Police”
Lick of the Week #42 - The “Bop” Scale
Lick of the Week #43 - “Gumbo Street” Duet
Lick of the Week #44 - “Donna Lee” Solo
Lick of the Week #45 - “Walk Tall”
Lick of the Week #46 - “In A Sentimental Mood”

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge - 2017 (Archive)
30 Day Challenge - 2018


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  • Unlimited Access to Lessons
  • Unlimited Access to Video Exchange Library
  • Unlimited Video Submissions to Teacher
  • Music Theory Workshop
  • Backing Tracks across Instruments
  • VIP Bonus Content
  • 100s of saxophone lessons at your own pace
  • All levels and styles of playing welcome
  • Slow Motion & Looping on videos

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