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Instruments > Violin > Classical Violin with Richard Amoroso

Classical Violin
with Richard Amoroso

Richard Amoroso has developed a rich library with hundreds of online classical violin lessons. Students have unlimited access to the interactive violin lessons including sheet music and play along tracks. Learn how to play classical violin from a virtuoso.

 Violin fundamentals  Bowing & cross string exercises

 Lessons on shifting  Etudes & solo repertoire

About Video Exchange® Learning

What ultimately sets these classical violin lessons apart from other offerings is the ability to submit a video for review using the ArtistWorks Video Exchange Learning® platform. Richard Amoroso reviews each submission and records a video response, offering specific guidance to take your violin playing to the next level. All students can access the Video Exchange library and watch each other’s interactions with Richard. This library is constantly expanding and may contain the secret to learning how to play violin.

About Richard Amoroso

For two decades, violinist Richard Amoroso has served as a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra. He has graced famed concert halls around the world, including soloing at Carnegie Hall, performing at the Suntoryi Hall and the Wiener Musikvere. Richard found success early in Violin, performing solo for the Philadelphia Orchestra when he was only 14. After studying and improving his craft, Richard has gone on to perform alongside musical greats, such as Hilary Hahn and Yo Yo Ma, Sting and Billy Joel. He is known worldwide as one of the premier classical violinists of our time. His natural talent shines through his 1765 Nicolò Gagliano violin as a tremendous instructor and musical virtuoso.

Classical Violin Lessons

Beginner Violin

Getting Started - Introduce Yourself & Find Your Starting Point
Posture - Basic Left Hand & Arm Overview
Basic Bowing - Introduction
Basic Bowing - How to Grip the Bow
Basic Bowing - How to Start the Sound
Basic Bowing - Pulling the Bow with Relaxed Weight
Basic Bowing - Introduction to Long Tones
Basic Bowing - Speed & Weight
Building the Frets of the Hand - Introduction
Building the Frets of the Hand - Minuet in G by Beethoven
Building the Frets of the Hand - Minuet by Bach
Building the Frets of the Hand - Gavotte by Mignon
Bowing: Collé - Introduction
Bowing: Collé - Kreutzer No.2
1st Position Major Scales
1st Postion Minor Scales
Basic Arpeggios - Introduction
Basic Arpeggios - Major & Minor Arpeggiated Scales
Basic Bow Changes - Introduction
Basic Bow Changes: Bow Changes at the Frog
Basic Bow Changes: Bow Changes at the Tip
Basic Bow Changes: Combining Bow Motions from Frog to Tip
Basic Pieces - Gavotte by Martini
Basic Pieces - Minuet by Bach
Submit a Piece You're Working On
Miscellaneous Topics
Rhythms - Introduction
Rhythms - Giving Notes Their Proper Value
Rhythms - Triplets
Rhythms - Sixteenth Notes
String Crossing - Introduction
Bowing: Detaché - Introduction
Basic Shifting Overview: Shifting Between 1st & 3rd Position
Shifting Positions - Major & Minor Scale Exercises
Basic Shifting - Using Arpeggios
Practicing for Speed - Using Scales
Practicing for Speed - Using a Piece
Basic Vibrato
Basic Pieces - The Two Grenadiers by Schumann
Basic Pieces - Minuet by Boccherini
Double Stops - Introduction
Finding Notes in Different Positions
Basic Finger Motion - Introduction
Basic Finger Motion - Practicing with Scales
Basic Finger Motion - Building Up the Pinky
Pinkie Dexterity - Kreutzer No.9 “The Finger Exercise for Life”
Pizzicato - Introduction
Pizzicato - Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4, 3rd Mvt
Basic Pieces - Gavotte in G Minor by Bach
Basic Pieces - Humoresque by Dvořák
Basic Pieces - Seitz Concerto No.2 in G Major, 3rd Mvt.
NCSV Video Exchange Archive

Intermediate Violin

Ear Training - Working with Intervals
Getting Started - Introduce Yourself & Find Your Starting Point
Musical Groupings of Notes
The Chromatic Scale
Repertoire - Rieding Concertino Opus 21
Dynamics & Color
Shifting Positions - 3 Octave Scales
Shifting Positions - 1 Octave Scales on 1 String
Shifting Positions - Chromatic Scales & Broken 3rds
Shifting Positions - Shifting Above 3rd Position
Shifting Positions - 3 Octave Arpeggios
Shifting Positions - Ševčík Op.8 Shifting Etudes
Bowing: Martelé - Introduction
Bowing: Martelé - Kreutzer No.6
Bowing: Martelé - Vivaldi Presto
String Crossing with Martelé - Kreutzer No.7
String Crossing - Tip of the Bow
String Crossing - Middle of the Bow
String Crossing - Frog of the Bow
String Crossing - Kreutzer No.13
String Crossing - Accolay Violin Concerto - Opening Excerpt
String Crossing with Detaché - Kreutzer No.2
String Crossing with Detaché - Vivaldi Concerto in A Minor Op.3 No.6, Last Mvt.
Repertoire - Bach Double Violin Concerto - 2nd Violin
Repertoire - Bach Double Violin Concerto - 1st Violin
Submit a Piece You're Working On
Miscellaneous Topics
Repertoire - Vivaldi Concerto in A Minor Op.3 No.6, 1st Mvt
Trills - Introduction
Trills - Kreutzer No.15
Trills - Mozart Violin Concerto No.4 - Recapitulation Excerpt
Bowing: Spiccato - Introduction
Bowing: Sautillé - Introduction
String Crossing with Sautillé - Ševčík Op.2 Exercises
Bowing: Sautillé - Moto Perpetuo - Suite III, No.6 by K. Bohm
Bowing: Sautillé - Perpetuo Mobile - Little Suite No.6 by K. Bohm
Combining Spiccato & Sautillé - Kreutzer No.2
Transitioning In & Out of Spiccato - Beethoven Symphony No.3, Scherzo
Repertoire - Beethoven Symphony No.2, 4th Mvt. M.1-9
Repertoire - Liszt Les Preludes, Letter N
Left Hand Dexterity Exercises
Smooth Shifting - Replacement Shifts, Substitutions & Extensions
Smooth Shifting - Kreutzer No.11
Smooth Shifting - One Finger Shifts
Smooth Shifting - Classical & Romantic Shifts
Vibrato - Controlling the Motion
Vibrato - The Various Colors of Vibrato
Learn Your Pattern of Mistakes
Left Hand Articulation - Dounis Op.12 Exercises
Left Hand Articulation - “Fast Fingers” - Schradieck Exercises
Left Hand Articulation - “Fast Fingers” - Scale Exercises
Legato Bowing Practice Exercise - Mazas Etude No.19
Staccato Bowing Practice Exercise - Kreutzer No. 4
Repertoire - Bach Partita No.2 Allemande
Repertoire - Mozart Violin Concerto No.3 in G Major, 1st Page
The Dont Challenge: Dont - 24 Etudes & Caprices, Op.35

Advanced Violin

Getting Started - Introduce Yourself & Find Your Starting Point
Harmonics - Natural & Artificial
Double Stops - 3rds & 6ths
Finding Notes Out of the Air in Different Positions
How to Play Octaves
How to Play Chords
Intonation - A More Structured Approach
Advanced Etudes - Rode Caprice No.5
Bowing: Ricochet - Introduction
Repertoire: Accolay Violin Concerto, P.1&2
Repertoire: Vivaldi Winter, 1st Solo
Repertoire: Vivaldi Winter, 2nd Solo
Repertoire: Vivaldi Winter, 3rd Solo
Repertoire: Haydn G Major Concerto - 1st Mvt. Exposition
Repertoire: Haydn G Major Concerto - 1st Mvt. Development
Playing Unaccompanied Bach - Introduction
Repertoire: Bach Sonata No.1 - Adagio
Repertoire: Bach Sonata No.1 - Fugue
Repertoire: Mozart Violin Concerto No.4, Exposition
Repertoire: Mozart Violin Concerto No.5, 1st Mvt. Exposition
Repertoire: Bruch Violin Concerto
Repertoire: Lalo Symphonie Espagnole
Playing Under Pressure
Submit a Piece You're Working On
Miscellaneous Topics

Violin Fundamentals

How to Tune the Violin
Rosining the Bow
How to Practice - Using a Metronome
How to Practice - Using Scales
How to Practice - Purposeful Practice
Intonation – Key Concepts for Playing in Tune
Intonation - Using Scales with a Tuner
Posture - Standing & Walking
Posture - Sitting
Posture - Advanced Thoughts on Neck & Chin Hold

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What's In This Plan

  • Unlimited Access to Lessons
  • Unlimited Access to Video Exchange Library
  • Unlimited Video Submissions to Teacher
  • Music Theory Workshop
  • Backing Tracks across Instruments
  • VIP Bonus Content
  • 100s of violin lessons at your own pace
  • All levels and styles of playing welcome
  • Slow Motion & Looping on videos

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