Banjo Tuning with Tony Trischka

Thu, 03/21/2013 - 11:00am
Written by ArtistWorks

"Alright, let's get in tune."
For anyone learning how to play banjo, or any instrument for that matter, the importance of being in tune cannot be overstated.  It won't matter how good your banjo rolls  are or how fast you can run through a banjo scale - if you're not in tune you won't sound good.  It's just that simple.  So before you get ahead of yourself, take a moment to learn some basic banjo tuning

Dobro Tuning: A Complete Guide

Fri, 02/22/2013 - 11:40am
Written by AW

Learning how to tune a guitar is challenging, it's even more difficult to find good information about how to tune a Dobro! If you're interested in learning how to play Dobro (aka resonator guitar), one of the first things you should learn is some basic Dobro tuning. In this sample Dobro lesson from the Online School of Dobro with Andy Hall, Andy shows you how to tune your Dobro like a pro.

How To Tune a Guitar by Ear

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 6:28pm
Written by James Taylor

Learning how to tune a guitar can be tricky. We all know that the Ancient Greeks were smart, what with creating democracy, philosophy, and all. What most people don't know however is that their discoveries also helped us to figure how to tune a guitar.

In this video online guitar teacher Martin Taylor talks about what the Ancient Greeks can teach us about how to keep your guitar in tune:

Tuning the guitar is made a lot easier these days with guitar tuners but there are some other things you need to know because you can't always rely on them.