How to Play Violin Subharmonics

Wed, 02/10/2016 - 11:53am
Written by ArtistWorks

Welcome to "Press Your Bow", the only game show devoted to violin subharmonics! So just what is a violin subharmonic? As your host Nathan Cole explains, violin subharmonics are notes that are lower than those you can play by normal means - notes that you can only play if you Press Your Bow! By pressing your bow, you can play notes that are lower in tone than the open G string, without having to tuning down the string.

So let’s get started. As Nathan demonstrates in the video, there are 3 steps to playing a subharmonic on violin:

New Beginner Violin Lessons from Nathan Cole

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 4:21pm
Written by ArtistWorks

beginner violin lessons - holding the bow

ArtistWorks is proud to announce that we have re-launched Nathan Cole's Online Classical Violin School with a focus on beginner violin lessons. Now everyone including beginners can learn how to play violin with a first chair violinist from the LA Philharmonic. Nathan's beginner-friendly approach embraces the idea that learning how to play violin should be fun and rewarding at every level - regardless of technical ability.

There's over 60 new lessons added to Nathan Cole's core curriculum, including many new fundamental violin basics and beginner violin songs. You don't need to know how to read music in order to follow along, Nathan's online lessons contain everything you need to learn how to play violin - and you can do it all on your own time, at your own pace. 

The Importance of Violin Basics

Fri, 01/16/2015 - 12:35pm
Written by ArtistWorks


How important are the basics of violin?

The basics are so named because they never stop being important! Every weakness in a person’s playing can be traced back to neglecting one or more basic principles or skills. Conversely, you can be sure that the strongest players have never lost sight of those basics, even though their playing style may have changed over the years.

How often do students forget to practice the basics? 

It’s rare for me to come across anyone who is completely sound in all the basic skills of violin playing. So we all neglect the basics from time to time. Unless you’re playing many hours each day, while listening and watching carefully, some key skill is going to suffer. In fact, when I notice a problem in a passage that I’m playing, it’s likely because I’ve forgotten the importance of a basic skill.

Why do you think they forget it?

How to Get More out of Violin Lessons

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 3:36pm
Written by AW
Topics: classical, violin

violin lessons at artistworks

For anyone taking violin lessons, or any instrument, it's important to know how to get the most out of the individualized instruction your teacher has to offer. To get the most of your music lessons here at ArtistWorks, here's some things to help keep you focused before you submit a video for personalized feedback.

P is for Practice before you record. Especially if this is your first video for your teacher, you want to put your best foot foward by showing them the best you can play. This means taking the time to warm up, play through it a few times before hitting record so your fingers will be primed and ready. If you already know which areas are weak points for you, be sure to concentrate on those before trying to learn something new. Much of playing music is muscle memory. Therefore it’s critical to keep practicing so that you can keep building those muscles. 

violin lessons at artistworks