Nodules and Polyps - Vocal Tip from Jeannie Deva

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 4:38pm
Written by AW

nodules and polypsJeannie Deva has posted a new monthly vocal tip about nodules and polyps. Find about the causes, treatment, and prevention of these dreaded vocal maladies. Click on the image to read! 

Singing & Vocal Performance Workshop Presented by Jeannie Deva

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 5:19pm
Written by Jeannie Deva
singing workshop with jeannie deva

If you are or can be in Hollywood, California on Saturday November 16th, AND you are a singer, this is the place to be!


with Jeannie Deva, Celebrity Voice and Performance Coach and ArtistWorks teacher 

This totally interactive vocal workshop will include:

  • The 9 elements that will hold you back, weaken your vocal confidence & limit your impact - and what to do about them!
  • How to make a song your own, free your voice & liberate your performance.
  • How to reduce strain, & increase range, consistency & stamina, power & passion.
  • Fast-acting exercises that will amaze you.
  • Laser-precise coaching & tools to build confidence, release expressivity & be elevated to a new level of vocal performance.

Preparing for Your Best Vocal Recording, by Jeannie Deva

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 4:08pm
Written by Jeannie Deva

preparing for vocal recording

The most important element of a recording is all too frequently given the least amount of time for preparation and recording. Yes, sadly, it’s the vocals.

Lack of preparation along with little understanding of the art of vocal recording can make it difficult or impossible to achieve a high quality captivating studio vocal within budget. Whether you’re recording a cover song or an original, acoustic or band arrangement, here are several effective steps you can take to improve your vocal recordings.

Song Choice: Sing songs with messages you believe in and which showcase the best qualities of your voice. Unless you’re purposely trying to be an impersonator of another artist such as a tribute band, your song choices should be ones that present who you are as an artist.

Taking Command of Your Vocal Performance, by Jeannie Deva

Wed, 08/28/2013 - 9:43pm
Written by Jeannie Deva

taking control of your vocal performance

Otherwise known as stage projection, presence or charisma, the ability to command your performance space is an essential ingredient to your song delivery and performance success. When you perform, if you are closed-in to yourself, you will not be able to emanate enough energy from the stage and to the audience to create much if any impact. Conversely, extroverting your attention outward to your audience can help to give you a sense of space and certainty into which you can project yourself and your communication.