David Bilger Interview for Philadelphia Orchestra Playbill

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 10:43am
Written by AW

david bilger interviewAside from his online trumpet lessons, David Bilger is Principal Trumpet for the Philadelphia Orchestra. They recently did an interview with him that appears in their monthly playbill as well as on their blog.

He talks about his favorite piece of music, what's on his iPod, and more. David also has his own blog called Dave's Mouthpiece where he writes about trumpet among other things, so be sure to check it out and read some of his writing. 

Click on the image to read his question and answer segment with the Philadelphia Orchestra or just click here!

WRTI 90.1 Interviews our Classical Music Teachers

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 1:53pm
Written by PatriciaB

classical music lessons

"This whole thing was very exciting to me because it's a way of accessing students from around the world, in a way that's never been done before." - Jeffrey Khaner




Susan Lewis of WRTI 90.1 recently interviewed ArtistWorks classical music teachers Jeffrey Khaner, Ricardo Morales and David Bilger in detail about what it's like to teach classical music lessons online and how their students learn online through Video Exchange.  Listen to this very insightful interview here, or just click on the image above to have it open in a new window. "

ArtistWorks and Classical Music Magazine To Host Online Roundtable Discussion Addressing The Future of Classical Music Education

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 6:22pm
Written by AW

In conjunction with the launch of our classical music lessons, we are collaborating with Classical Music Magazine to host an online, interactive video roundtable discussion that will address issues of access to classical music education and the role technology can play in the democratization of classical music education. The event will go live on October 2nd at 5:00 PM and will be viewable from www.artistworksclassical.com or at www.artistworks.com/googleplus.


In conjunction with the launch of our classical music lessons, we are collaborating with Classical Music Magazine to host an online, interactive video roundtable discussion that will address issues of access to classical music education and the role technology can play in the democratization of classical music education. The event will go live on October 2nd at 5:00 PM and will be viewable from www.artistworksclassical.com or at www.artistworks.com/googleplus.