Learn Electric Guitar from Paul Gilbert

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 12:16pm
Written by AW

rock guitar lessonsEver wanted to rock out on lead guitar? Well starting TODAY, you can learn electric guitar from the shred guitar hero himself Paul Gilbert

Paul Gilbert has long been known for guitar shredding with bands like Racer X and Mr. Big, but he’s also known worldwide as a leader in guitar education – having been teaching guitar lessons since he was a teenager. 

Paul has spent years developing his own signature guitar method and has released numerous instructional guitar videos and DVDs viewed by guitar enthusiasts all over the world, but what’s unique about Paul’s new online guitar lessons is that it’s interactive. 

Students send in videos to Paul of whatever they’re working on, which Paul then reviews and responds to in his own video with ideas for how they can improve.

Rock Guitar Lessons from Paul Gilbert Coming Soon!

Fri, 05/18/2012 - 3:23pm
Written by admin

It's coming... It's coming... are you ready to ROCK?

Soon guitarists all over the world be able to take rock guitar lessons direct from legendary shredder Paul Gilbert. Although Paul has released countless instructional material, he’s especially excited about teaching how to play guitar online at ArtistWorks. 

 "I feel at this online school I have done the best job I ever have at choosing the right material and putting it in order...this is really methodical and systematic."  - Paul Gilbert