Upcoming Summer Bluegrass Festivals

Fri, 05/22/2015 - 3:42pm
Written by ArtistWorks

The summer is fast approaching, and there's no better time for outdoor jamming than some of that nice warm weather. We hope everyone finds some time to sit back and play some music this summer. Whatever style or instrument you play, the important thing is to enjoy it for all that it's worth. If you're in any of these areas, check out some ArtistWorks bluegrass teachers playing live at these upcoming event


Lap Steel Guitar vs. Dobro: What are the Differences?

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 5:47pm
Written by ArtistWorks

Andy Hall was in the ArtistWorks studios recently recording a new section for his online students on lap steel guitar. One of the first lessons he recorded was on comparing the differences between playing Dobro and lap steel guitar. As you'll see, they relate quite a bit but there are some key differences and similarities. As Andy explains, some music lends itself better to playing lap steel vs. Dobro.

Andy Hall on Dobro Legend Tut Taylor

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 10:31am
Written by ArtistWorks

tut taylor with dobro

We are sorry to hear of the loss of Tut Taylor, who was known as the "flatpicking Dobro man." He was an influential player on ArtistWorks Dobro instructor Andy Hall who has written a nice tribute:

"A little note about Tut Taylor, the flatpicking Dobro man. I was saddened to hear of Tut’s passing the other day, and it brought back a flood of memories. Tut was the first hero Dobro player of mine that I ever met. It was at Winterhawk bluegrass festival which went on to become Grey Fox. He was giving a very informal Dobro workshop with Pete Reischwein if I remember correctly. I sat right next to Tut on the ground and listened to him play. I was very familiar with his playing from Aereoplane and from Norman Blake records. We all know that feeling of being close to a player you’ve heard and look up to for the first time. At one point I walked with him up to his camper and we sat and talked and picked a bit. Incidentally that was also the first time I ever went to bluegrass festival. He was always welcoming and for a young player that so huge. So inspiring. As far as his playing, I think using a flatpick made his style so clear and un-cluttered. It was simple but powerful and really stood out. His sound is forever woven into the fabric of some of the most influential bluegrass music ever made. So grateful for you Tut!"  - Andy Hall

Congrats to our IBMA Nominees & Bluegrass All-Stars

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 11:52pm
Written by AW

bryan sutton imba 2014

ArtistWorks would like to congratulate Bryan Sutton for taking home his 8th IBMA Award for Guitar Player of the Year!

We are thrilled by Bryan's accomplishments as an artist and are proud to have him teaching flatpicking guitar to students around the world alongside the other Academy of Bluegrass all-stars: Mike Marshall, Missy Raines, Darol Anger, Andy Hall, and the incomparable Tony Trischka.

So much of what we do is spent focusing on the instruction that the Academy of Bluegrass artists are providing here -- and that's obviously our mission, but in the spirit of the now concluded 2014 IBMA awards, we'd like to focus for just a moment on the impressive careers of these amazing musicians. We're very fortunate to have them all here.

artistworks bluegrass instructors