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Instruments > Piano > Piano with Zachary Deak FOURMONTH

Piano Lessons

Learn how to play your favorite popular and classical piano pieces from esteemed pianist and educator, Zachary Deak! Start your musical journey by learning basic piano scales, performance techniques, and beginner music theory through iconic piano music you know and love. These adult beginner piano lessons will quickly teach you everything needed to play your favorite music on the piano.

Popular & Classical Piano PiecesPiano Scales + Methods

Sheet Music + Study MaterialsBasic Music Theory

Piano with Zachary Deak

About Beginner Piano Lessons Online Course

Unlock your musical potential and embark on an incredible journey of piano mastery with Zachary Deak's Beginner Piano Lessons Online Course at ArtistWorks. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to brush up on their piano skills, this comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation and empower you to play the piano with confidence.

Led by renowned pianist and educator, Zachary Deak, this online course is an ideal choice for anyone eager to learn at their own pace, in the comfort of their own home. With a user-friendly interface and high-quality video lessons, you'll have access to a wealth of knowledge that will guide you from the very basics to learning how to play songs on piano.

What sets the Beginner Piano Lessons Online Course apart is the interactive nature of the learning experience. Unlike traditional online courses, ArtistWorks offers personalized instruction through Video Exchange®. This innovative feature allows you to submit practice videos to your instructor, who will then provide you with valuable feedback and guidance, tailored specifically to your progress and needs. This personalized attention ensures that you receive the support necessary to overcome any challenges and continue to grow as a pianist.

The course covers a wide range of topics, starting with essential music theory, note reading, and proper hand positioning. As you progress, you'll delve into scales, chords, and various playing styles, enabling you to tackle different genres and musical pieces with ease. From classical to pop, jazz to blues, this course equips you with the necessary skills to express yourself fluently across a broad spectrum of musical styles.

The Beginner Piano Lessons Online Course is accessible anytime, anywhere, making it perfect for individuals with busy schedules or those who prefer a flexible learning environment. Whether you're a teenager, an adult, or even a senior, it's never too late to embark on a musical adventure and discover the joy of playing the piano.

Join thousands of satisfied students who have already experienced the benefits of learning with ArtistWorks. Begin your journey today and unlock the artist within you with Zachary Deak's Beginner Piano Lessons Online Course. Sign up now and start playing beautiful melodies that will captivate both your heart and the hearts of others.

About Video Exchange® Learning

What ultimately sets these beginner piano lessons apart from other offerings is the ability to submit a video for review using the ArtistWorks Video Exchange Learning® platform. Zachary reviews each submission and records a video response- just for you! You'll learn how to play piano at your own pace, but guidance is at your fingertips. Progress checkpoint videos help you gauge your progress too.

About Zachary Deak

Assistant Professor of Piano and Musicology and Director of keyboard studies at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, pianist Zachary Deak has dedicated his life to musical performance and education. A graduate of the prestigious École Normale de Musique de Paris and Royal College of Music in London, Zachary has performed as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the US, UK, France, Morocco, Portugal, and more. Zachary was also the 2012 recipient of the Hopkinson silver medal at the distinguished Chappell Medal Piano Competition and the Lucy Ann Jones Award during his time at the Royal College of Music. He earned a Doctorate in Piano Performance from the University of Southern California. Throughout his career, Zachary has studied and performed with revered pianists such as Murray Perahia, Maria Joao Pires, Dang Thai Son, Vladimir Feltsman, Alexander Korsantia, Marc Durand, and more. As a passionate educator, he has taught piano students of all ages and skill levels. Zachary has been teaching the “Beginner’s Guide to Piano” course as part of our Adult Beginner series at ArtistWorks since December 2021.

Beginner's Guide to Piano Lessons


Learning Tips

Piano Basics

Keyboard Basics

Section 1

C Major Pentascale
"Ode to Joy"
Technical Exercise 1
"Au Clair De La Lune"
Technical Exercise 1 - Expanded
Technical Exercise 1 - Expanded - Play Alongs
"Amazing Grace"
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
"Amazing Grace" - Metronome Versions
How to Successfully Play with a Metronome
Technical Exercise 2
Principles of Good Practicing
Section 1 Checkpoint

Section 2

Sight Reading Exercise 1
G Major Pentascale
Finding Other Pentascales
"Minuet" - Alexander Reinagle
"Simple Gifts" - Aaron Copland
Bela Bartok Piece
Finding Other Minor Pentascales
Technical Exercise 3
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
Building a Practice Regimen
Going from Major to Minor and Back
Section 2 Checkpoint

Section 3

The Minor Chord
What is Harmony
The i-v-vi-iv Progression
Full Major Scale
Full Major Scale - Multiple Octaves
Full Minor Scale
Sight Reading Exercise 2
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
The 3 types of Minor Scale
"Allegretto" - Cornelius Gurlitt
Section 3 Checkpoint

Section 4

Chords with Inversions
Chords with Inversions - Play Along Exercise
Tempo Indications
Chromatic Scale
Contrary Motion - Hands Together
Parallel Motion - Hands Together: The C Major Scale
The G Major Scale
The G Major Scale - Play Along
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
Sight Reading Exercise 3
Cross Hand Arpeggios
Cross Hand Arpeggios - Play Along Exercise
"The Wild Horseman" - Robert Schumann
Section 4 Checkpoint

Section 5

"Musette" - J.S. Bach
"Red River Valley"
L'Arabesque by Friedrich Burgmuller
The G Minor Scale
"The Sick Doll" - Tchaikovsky
Full Arpeggios
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
"C Major Prelude" - J.S. Bach
Section 5 Checkpoint

Section 6

What Makes an Intermediate Player?
Scales: Group 1 - Major Scales
Arpeggios: A Deeper Look
Technical Warm Up: 5 Finger Pattern with Variations
Technical Exercises: A. Schmitt - Preparatory Exercises
Sight Reading Exercises - Section 6
Defining Dynamics
Creating Dynamic Textures
Etude: Czerny "Les Heures Du Matin" Op.821 No.1
Etude: Czerny "Les Heures Du Matin" Op.821 No.2
"Sonatina in G" - Beethoven
"To a Wild Rose" - MacDowell
"Prelude No.1 WTC" - J.S. Bach
Section 6 Checkpoint

Section 7

Scales: Group 1 - Minor Scales
The I-V-vi-IV Progression - Warm Up Exercises
Technical Exercises: Hanon 4, 5 & 8
Sight Reading Exercises - Section 7
Etude: Duvernoy Op.176 No.4
Etude: Duvernoy Op.176 No.18
Introduction to Improvisation
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
Improvisation: Using the I-V-vi-IV Progression
"Solfeggietto" - CPE Bach
"Gymnopédie" - Satie
"Prelude in E Minor" - Chopin
Section 7 Checkpoint

Section 8

Scales - Group II
Arpeggios - C#, Bb, Eb & Ab
Etude: "The Little Party" - Burgmuller
Sight Reading Exercises - Section 8
The ii-V-I Progression - Introduction
Diatonic 7th Chords
The ii-V-I Progression - Using Diatonic 7th Chords
Scales: Major and Minor Pentatonic & The Blues Scales
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
The ii-V-I Progression - Improvising Using Pentatonic and Blues Scales
The Sonata Form
"Sonatina Op.36 No.3 in C Major" - Clementi
"Waltz in Ab Major" - Brahms
Etude: Gurlitt Op.15 No.4
"Für Elise" - Beethoven
Section 8 Checkpoint

Section 9

Scales: Group III - Sharp Keys
Technical Exercise: J. Pischna Technical Studies
Sight Reading Exercises: Section 9
How to Build Speed
Etude: Heller - Op.46 No.1
"Moonlight Sonata" Mvt.1 Op.27 No.2 - Beethoven
"Dance of the Elves" - Grieg
"Venetian Boat Song" - Mendelssohn
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
Section 9 Checkpoint

Section 10

Scales: Group III - Flat Keys
Technical Exercise: Double Notes - Thirds
Arpeggios: Dominant 7th & Diminished 7th
Sight Reading Exercises: Section 10
Etude: Moszkowski - 20 Small Etudes Op.91 No.2
Etude: Moszkowski - 20 Small Etudes Op.91 No.3
"D Minor Fantasy" - Mozart
"Sonata No.8 Op.13 in C Minor "Pathétique" 2nd Mvt" - Beethoven
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
"Träumerei" - Schumann
Section 10 Checkpoint

Section 11

What Makes an Advanced Player?
Scales: The Modes
Technical Exercise: Octaves as Scales & Arpeggios
Technical Exercise: Conus Broken Octaves
Sight Reading Exercises - Section 11
Etude: Burgmuller - "Awakening in the Woods"
"June" Barcarolle from The Seasons - Tchaikovsky
"Malagueña" from España - Albeniz
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces
"Nocturne Op.9 No.2" - Chopin
Section 11 Checkpoint

Section 12

Technical Exercise: Conus - Variation on Hanon No.1
Sight Reading Exercises - Section 12
Etude: Bergmuller - "The Storm"
"Clair de Lune" - Debussy
"Piano Sonata No.11 in A Major, 3rd Mvt. Rondo Alla Turca" - Mozart
"Op.118 No.2" - Brahms
Section 12 Checkpoint
Miscellaneous Topics & Pieces

Zachary Deak Performances

"Klavierstücke No. 1" by Schubert - Solo Performance
"La Cathédrale Engloutie" by Debussy - Solo Performance
"Nocturne, Op. 37: No. 1" by Chopin - Solo Performance

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What's In This Plan

  • Unlimited Access to Lessons
  • Unlimited Access to Video Exchange Library
  • Up to 5 Video Submissions to Teacher
  • Music Theory Workshop
  • Auto-renews at $140 Every 4 Months

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