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Instruments > Add On Courses > The Ear Training Workshop

Ear Training

Taught by Berklee College of Music alumnus David Olivas, this five section series of lessons covers everything from basic ear training concepts to terminology, and how to hear and read musical relationships. David details multiple approaches to ear training and leads comprehensive lessons to teach you to identify Intervals, Chord Qualities, Tonal Relationships, Rhythms, and more.

Ear training conceptsTerminology to apply your skills

Multiple ear training methodsExercises at every step

The Ear Training Workshop

Ear Training Lessons

Basic Ear Training Concepts

Ear Training Introduction
Learning to Name Sounds
Pitch Matching
The Major Scale
Basic Interval Singing
The Minor Scale
Major Triads
Minor Triads
Diminished Triads
Augmented Triads
7th Chords
Diminished 7th Chords
Hearing Common Chord Progressions

Intervalic Ear Training

Introduction to Intervalic Ear Training
Minor 2nds
Major 2nds
Minor 3rds
Major 3rds
Perfect 4ths
Perfect 5ths
Minor 6ths
Major 6ths
Minor 7ths
Major 7ths

Rhythmic Ear Training

Introduction to Rhythmic Ear Training
Basic Rhythmic Transcription
Rhythm Exercise 1: Whole & Half Notes
Rhythm Exercise 2: Quarter, Half & Whole Notes
Rhythm Exercise 3: Quarter Notes, Whole, Half & Quarter Rests
Rhythm Exercise 4: Half Notes, Quarter Notes & Eighth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 5: Whole, Half, Dotted Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 6: Whole, Half, Dotted Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 7: Dotted Quarter, Quarter & Eighth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 8: Dotted Quarter, Quarter & Eighth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 9: Eighth Rests & Syncopation
Rhythm Exercise 10: More Eighth Note Syncopation
Rhythm Exercise 11: Eighth Note Ties and Syncopation
Rhythm Exercise 12: Triplets
Rhythm Exercise 13: Sixteenth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 14: More Sixteenth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 15: Mixed Eight Triplets and Sixteenth Notes
Rhythm Exercise 16: Quarter Note Triplets
Rhythm Exercise 17: 3/4 Time
Rhythm Exercise 18: 3/4 Time
Rhythm Exercise 19: 6/8 Time
Rhythm Exercise 20: 6/8 Time
Rhythm Exercise 21: 6/8 Time

Chordal Ear Training

The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - 2 Minor
The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - 3 Minor
The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - 4 Major
The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - The 5 Chord
The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - 6 Minor
The Diatonic Scale: Major Triads - 7 Diminished
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 2 Diminished
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 3 Major
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 4 Minor
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - The 5 Chord
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 5 Augmented
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - Flat 6
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 6 Diminished
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - Flat 7 and Natural 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor Triads - 7 Diminished
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 1 Major 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 2 Minor 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 3 Minor 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 4 Major 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 5 Major 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - 6 Minor 7
The Diatonic Scale: Major 7th Chords - Minor 7 Flat 5
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - 1 Minor 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - 2 Minor 7 Flat 5
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - Flat 3 Major 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - 4 Minor 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - Dominant 5
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - Flat 6 Major 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - 6 Minor 7 Flat 5
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - Flat 7
The Diatonic Scale: Minor 7th Chords - Flat 7 Major 7

Tonal Ear Training

Introduction to Tonal Ear Training
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the Root
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 3rd
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 5th
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 2nd
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 6th
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 4th
Building Familiarity with Major Tonalities - Identifying the Sound of the 7th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The Root
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The Flat 3rd
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The 5th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The 2nd
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The 4th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The Flat 6th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The Natural 6th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The Flat 7th
Building Familiarity with Minor Tonalities - The 7th

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What's In This Plan:

  • Lifetime Access to full course
  • Full library of deep-dive lessons
  • Supplemental study materials
  • Guidance from a master musician